STOIK Imagic v4.0.3.4 英文正式版(數碼照片編輯軟體)
STOIK Imagic 是一款專門用於非技術型用戶的提供許多流行工具和技術以提高,更正和潤飾
你的圖像的數碼照片編輯器.該軟體採用讓你可以調整顏色,亮度,清除塗抹和 red-eye 效果
以及更多方面的分步式操作方式. 你還可以進行創作和添加框架,文本或者應用諸如捲曲頁,
變形以及更多方面的特殊效果. STOIK Imagic 還包括編輯視頻文件,創建日曆頁,轉換圖像,
STOIK Imagic 4.0 combines functions of a photo browser,
viewer, image and video editor - everything you need for
manipulating your digital photos, from archiving to
correction, printing, and generation of slideshow, web
album, or even a puzzle game
Over 20,000,000 copies distributed by OEM customers
including Samsung Techwin, Ricoh, Pinnacle Systems, CeWe
Color, Telepix?
Photo Organizing
* Digital camera autodownload wizard (WIA and DCF
* Scanners support
* File browser
* Organize by calendar date (date of creation,
modification or taken)
* Organize by custom tags
* Sort thumbnails by data of taken, created and
modified, file name, format and size, DCF file number
* Video and music clip organizing
* View embedded camera info (EXIF)
* Adding comments to JPEG and TIFF file
* Panorama creation
* Collage creation
* RAW file format support
* Photo improvement wizard
* E-mail sharing (photos, videos, Web albums and
Slide Show)
* CDs burning (photos, videos, Web albums and Slide
* HTML album creation
* Uploading photos to Google Picasa Web Albums
* Slide Show executable creation
* Screen Saver creation
* Animated GIF playback
* Video and music clips playback
* Batch renaming, resizing and rotation
* Face extraction
Photo Editing
* Standard editing tools such as red eye removal,
rotate, resize, flip, crop, adjust lighting and color
* Image straightening with Horizon tool
* Brushes with paper selection, various forms and
* Cloning tool
* Unique Retouch Brush allows you hide small photo
* Highlights/shadows adjustment
* Lens distortion correction
* Text with shadows
* Rectangle, ellipse, polygon, lasso selections with
soft edges
* Conversion to 1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit color, 8 and 16
bit grayscale, 24 and 48 bit truecolor
* Cliparts tool
* Edges and frames tools
* Collage tool with editable layers masks
* White balance and Exposure compensation tools
* Skin Makeup tool
* Advanced Crop tool with document photo, CD label
and Inlay templates
* Special enhancement tool for scanned photos
* Photo games creation
* Full 48-bit images support
Video Editing
* Step-by-step creation process - never get lost
* Video story board
* Scenes splitting and trimming
* Titles inserting
* Scrolling titles
* Transitions between scenes
* Special effects filters
* Brightness, Contrast, Hue corrections
* Video rotation
* Audio track insertion
* Narration
* Mute audio
* Windows Media support
* Output using installed Windows codecs
STOIK Imagic v5.0.1.700 英文正式版(數碼照片編輯軟體)
STOIK Smart Resizer v2.0.0.2929 英文正式版(數字照片縮放軟體)
STOIK Smart Resizer v2.0.0.2929 英文正式版(數字照片縮放軟體)
STOIK Noise AutoFix v1.6 英文正式版(數位照片躁點和紅眼修復工具軟體)
STOIK PanoramaMaker v2.1.1.2971 英文正式版(圖像全景化軟體)
STOIK RedEye Autofix v3.0 英文正式版(數位照片躁點和紅眼修復工具軟體)
STOIK PanoramaMaker v2.1 英文正式版(自動的圖像全景化軟體)