Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2008 Enterprise Edition v1.0.1051.0 英文企業版(資產管理軟體)
SKaizen Software Solutions Asset Manager 2008是一款資產管理軟體。這個程式可以跟蹤
擁有資產,存活位置,存活成本以及更多。 你可以通過條碼,你可以創建個性化的進貨和銷
With Asset Manager, you can track
the assets you have, where they are,
how much they cost, and more. You
can use existing barcodes or create
your own to check in and check out
tools and equipment to employees.
Never lose track of your assets
again - with Asset Manager 2008, you
can print barcode labels for your
assets and check them in/out to
employees. Attach Owner's Manuals,
service logs, and more to maintain a
complete history for each of your
Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2008 v1.0.1020.0 Enterprise Edition 英文企業版(資產管理軟體)
Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition v1.0.1138.0 英文正式版(資產管理軟軟體)
Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition v1.0.1137.0 英文正式版(資產管理軟體)
Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2008 v1.0.1031.0 Enterprise Edition 英文企業版(資產管理軟體)
Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2008 Enterprise Edition v1.0.1049 英文企業版(資產管理軟體)
Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition v1.0.1135.0 英文正式版(資產管理軟體)
Kaizen Software Asset Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition v1.0.1143.0 英文正式版(資產管理軟體)